Sunday, February 10, 2013

Horrible Cupcakes: Light Angel Food Cupcakes with Meringue Icing

Sometimes you have to blog the good, the bad, and the ugly!

So I started back on Weight Watchers last week. It is always torture for me to diet. Especially when I am a cupcake creator, pastry perfectionist, cake connoisseur, and dessert diva. Its killing me slowly, but Weight Watchers works and I can attest to it after losing 25lbs last year on the program. Lately, I have been slipping back into my bad habits though I haven't seen any weight gain because of my workouts. But I know that just because it doesn't show on the outside, it will catch up to me on the inside. So with a vacation in five weeks and standing up in a wedding in a few months, I decided to get back on track.

So why am I making these cupcakes? Well these cupcakes are 3 points on the Weight Watchers' program. Now before I begin my rant, it should be noted that this isn't a Weight Watchers' recipe nor will I list the site that I got the recipe from. So tip of the day: if a cupcake with icing is only 3 points, it is absolutely too good to be true! These cupcakes were horrible! And such a disappointment since I was looking forward to them all week. I was trying to make the situation better by not depriving myself of dessert, but now I'm hesitant to try another low point recipe. I knew that they wouldn't be as good as cupcakes filled with heavy cream and loads of sugar, but these were not even a little tasty! I can't describe the smell. Well I can describe it, but it would be slightly childish! Even my mother, who is a big fan of meringue, couldn't finish her cupcake. However, my dog loved them and was disappointed to see so many go into the garbage. So readers beware and try at your own risk!


At least the pictures turned out pretty :)
Cake Recipe:
Yields 16 cupcakes
1/2 cup icing sugar
2/3 cup flour
1/4 tsp. salt
8 egg whites from large eggs
1/4 cup water
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
1/2 cup sugar
1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Line a muffin tin with cupcake liners.
2. Mix icing sugar, flour, and salt in a medium bowl.
3. Blend egg whites, water, vanilla, and cream of tartar in a large mixing bowl. Beat until foamy. Add sugar slowly to the foamy mixture. Beat for 3-5 minutes on high speed.
4. Add dry ingredients to the foamy mixture. Fold together with a wooden spoon.
5. Scoop batter into the cupcake liners. Bake for 20 minutes or until tops are golden brown.
Icing Recipe:
2 egg whites from large eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
pinch of salt
pink food colouring
(I doubled the recipe to top all the cupcakes)
1. Bring water and sugar to a boil in a sauce pan. Boil for 5-8 minutes.
2. While boiling the sugar, beat egg whites and vanilla in a bowl until foamy. Once the boiled sugar is ready, slowly pour the sugar mixture into the egg whites. Continue to beat with mixer.
3. Add salt and food colouring and beat until colour is even. Fill piping bag and frost cupcakes.
1 cupcake without icing - 87 calories or 2 points
1 cupcake with icing - 122 calories or 3 points


  1. Oooh....yuck.....the most serious problem that I see with that recipe is that meringue is supposed to be baked.....raw meringue tastes disgusting. From a main course point of view, one point soup is yummy!

  2. Actually the icing was better than the cupcakes to be honest. The cake was terrible.


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